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Tuulia Heikkinen ~ Forumsrang: swaggie ~
Anmeldungsdatum: 08.03.2007 Beiträge: 39
Wohnort*: Komi/Finland
Verfasst am: 25.03.2008, 09:27 Titel: Uni deaf ACD |
I would be interesting in reading your expereince with living with uni deaf ACDs.
Do you think your uni deaf ACD has/had difficulties to in his daily life; to figure out noises etc? Is he more scared than ACDs generally? Has he behaving troubles, which you think is due to uni deafness? Is he more aggressive than ACDs generally. Do you think you uni deaf ACD is clearly handicaped? Do you think your uni deaf ACD would be easier to handle or daily life would be easier with him, if he had been full hearing?
I would be also intersted in reading your experinces living with full deaf ACDs. _________________ Only few persons in this world are more intelligent than those great blue and red Aussie dogs. |
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Eva Holderegger Walser ~ Forumsrang: true blue ozzie ~
Anmeldungsdatum: 07.03.2006 Beiträge: 1214
Wohnort*: CH- Raat
Verfasst am: 25.03.2008, 16:46 Titel: |
i have not had an uni acd, but we have one girl in switzerland - beautiful nova "miss whitetail" - and i follow her activities closely.
nova is around 4 years now, and she is one of the few dogs working as a "war-dog".
every few month she is flying to an other country to help her master, and he is full of praise about her skills!
when i meet her, i do not see anything that could give you the idea that something with her hearing is not functioning properly. she must have adapted so well with one ear.
i believe that an uni-dog has no big handicap in daily life. and i bet there are more unilateral hearing dogs around then people know.
so many dogs are not tested, before they leave the breeders place.... and an owner unfamiliar to the first signs will never guess that there is something wrong.
eva |
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ViK ~ Forumsrang: true blue ozzie ~
Anmeldungsdatum: 21.02.2006 Beiträge: 831
Wohnort*: Niederösterreich
Verfasst am: 25.03.2008, 20:46 Titel: |
Hallo Tuulia!
I don't have personal experience with uni lateral deaf dogs, only second hand. I met owners of an uni lateral deaf ACD bitch who told me, that the breeder had no BAER-test done and hasn't noticed that she was unilateral.
The new owners noticed very soon that something was wrong witch the bitchs hearing and told me that it was kind of obvious.
This bitch adapted well, too, but in some situations her handicap is showing up, because she has no stereophonic hearing. If called at wide open places with no visual contact this bitch can barely decide from which direction the call came from.
I didn't ask about any behavioural problems, in my opinion this young dog was very friendly and happily invited me me to scrape her belly.
ViK _________________ General Appearance: That of a small, thickset blue Dingo. (Robert Kaleski, 1902) |
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Caroline ~ Forumsrang: mate ~
Anmeldungsdatum: 24.02.2006 Beiträge: 75
Wohnort*: Schifflange
Verfasst am: 14.10.2008, 11:17 Titel: |
Eva Holderegger Walser hat Folgendes geschrieben: |
i have not had an uni acd, but we have one girl in switzerland - beautiful nova "miss whitetail" - |
This is not entirely true, though. There is at least a second uni deaf in Switzerland, and that is one that eveyone who is involved with the Swiss ACD club knows very well: Susanne and Ruedi Oppliger's Asta!
I have known Asta for 11 years now and until a few years ago, I did not know that she is a uni deaf, which shows that uni deafs usually cope very well with their handicap.
Depending on how she is standing (whether she has her deaf or her hearing ear towards her owner) she may not always hear a command so sometimes in obedience trials, this may be a disadvantage, but on the whole most unis cope very well.
I do know of one uni, however, who was very insecure due to her handicap. Since she cannot always hear from which direction her owner is calling her, she sometimes gets confused and at times she panics in such situations.
I also know of a uni that was killed by train, a train she may have been able to avoid if she would have had full hearing and would have been able to tell in time where this train was coming from. |
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